10 Steps you Can Take to Leverage Technology as the Cost of Business Rises

Cost Of Business Increasing

As the cost of doing business continues to rise, competition is intensifying. How can you leverage technology to monitor what your competitors are doing so you can stay one step ahead? Monitoring competitors’ digital marketing strategies is one way to  identify opportunities for improvement and differentiation. Here’s a step-by-step approach you can take (or hire us to do it for you):

  1. Identify Competitors – this may sound easy but you’ll want to think about not only your direct competitors but also your indirect competitors.
  • Direct Competitors: Businesses that offer the same products or services.
  • Indirect Competitors: Businesses that offer similar products or services or target the same audience.
  1. Use Competitive Analysis Tools – there are lots of paid tools out there that can help you do this. Here are just a few, some of which we use:
  • SEMrush/Ahrefs: Track competitors’ SEO strategies, keyword rankings, and backlinks.
  • SpyFu: Analyze competitors’ paid advertising and organic search strategies.
  • SimilarWeb: Get insights into competitors’ website traffic and engagement metrics.
  • BuzzSumo: Monitor competitors’ content performance and social media engagement.
  1. Analyze Website and SEO – this is a key part of what we do for our SEO clients but also incorporate many other facets in this whole list:
  • Website Audit: Examine competitors’ websites for structure, user experience, and design.
  • SEO Audit: Identify the keywords competitors are targeting and their on-page SEO strategies.
  • Backlink Analysis: Check the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to competitors’ sites.
  1. Monitor Social Media – Once it was difficult to know exactly what the competition was doing. Now they broadcast it to the world. So tune in to see what they are doing / saying:
  • Social Media Profiles: Follow competitors on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Content Analysis: Observe the type of content they post, the frequency, and the engagement it receives.
  • Social Listening Tools: Use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to monitor mentions and engagement.
  1. Examine Content Marketing – Putting out content is a great way to establish your business as a leader or thought leader in your industry. Seeing how the competition is establishing their bona fides will give you insight.
  • Blog Posts and Articles: Analyze the topics, frequency, and quality of content published by competitors.
  • Email Marketing: Subscribe to competitors’ newsletters to understand their email marketing strategies.
  • Content Engagement: Use tools like BuzzSumo to see how well competitors’ content performs in terms of shares and interactions.
  1. Assess Paid Advertising
  • Google Ads Library: Use the Google Ads Transparency Report to see competitors’ ads.
  • Facebook Ad Library: Explore the Facebook Ad Library to view competitors’ active ads.
  • Ad Copy and Creative: Analyze the messaging, visuals, and call-to-actions used in competitors’ ads.
  1. Review Customer Feedback – this can be a good way to see what resonates with the customers of the competition and how you can improve or differentiate your business.
  • Online Reviews: Check reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Trustpilot.
  • Social Media Comments: Monitor comments and discussions on competitors’ social media pages.
  • Customer Testimonials: Read testimonials on competitors’ websites for insights into customer satisfaction and pain points.
  1. Set Up Alerts and Notifications – so far we’ve been giving you a lot to do but now it is time to figure out how to get information you need passively:
  • Google Alerts: Create alerts for competitors’ brand names and key products to get notified about new mentions.
  • Mention: Use Mention to track online conversations about competitors in real-time.
  1. Benchmark Performance – get a high level overview of where the competition is, compare to your metrics and learn what works best:
  • Key Metrics: Track metrics such as website traffic, social media followers, engagement rates, and keyword rankings.
  • Performance Comparison: Compare these metrics against your own to identify areas for improvement.
  1. Document Findings and Strategize – here also is where having EduCyber help will help you stay on top of everything:
  • Create Reports: Regularly compile findings into reports to track changes and trends.
  • Identify Opportunities: Use the gathered insights to identify gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation.
  • Action Plan: Develop an action plan to enhance your digital marketing strategies based on the competitive analysis.

Business is moving at a fast pace. And inflation is impacting us all. As the cost of business continues to increase, following these steps can you outwork and outperform the competition. Need help with any part of this, give us a call or schedule a review of your current situation.


The Importance of Establishing Goals for Digital Marketing

Bright IdeaAs digital marketing undergoes a revolution of change (along with just about every other aspect of our world) with AI leading the way, establishing clear and measurable goals is critical to success. Without well-defined objectives, marketing efforts can become unfocused, inefficient, and ultimately ineffective. Oddly, many business owners and marketers skip this foundational step. Here’s why setting goals is crucial and how you can effectively establish them for your digital marketing strategy.

Importance of Setting Goals

  1. Direction and Focus: Goals provide a clear direction for your marketing campaigns and help you understand what to and what not to do. They help in prioritizing tasks and allocating resources effectively, ensuring that every tactic you implement contributes towards the desired outcome.
  2. Measurable Success: By setting specific targets, you can measure the success of your campaigns. This helps in understanding what works, what doesn’t, and allows for data-driven decision-making.
  3. Accountability: Clear goals establish accountability, as progress can be tracked and evaluated against set benchmarks.

How to Establish Goals

  1. SMART Goals: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, instead of a vague goal like “increase website traffic,” aim for “increase website traffic by 20% over the next three months.”
  2. Align with Business Objectives: Your marketing goals should align with the broader business objectives. We always ask new clients how their digital marketing fits into their broader marketing goals. If your company aims to expand into a new market, your digital marketing goal might focus on generating leads from that region.
  3. Analyze Past Performance: Review past marketing data to set realistic and informed goals. Understanding past successes and failures can provide valuable insights. If you don’t have past performance data, you should still set a goal to measure for.
  4. Regularly Review and Adjust: Digital marketing is dynamic. Regularly review your goals and adjust them as needed based on performance metrics and market changes. Most small and mid-sized businesses should review goals AT LEAST quarterly.

By establishing clear and strategic goals, you can ensure that your digital marketing efforts are purposeful and aligned with your business’s overarching objectives, paving the way for sustained growth and success.


Unleashing the Power of AI in your SEO campaigns!

Ai In Seo

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, Artificial Intelligence is the game-changer we’ve all been waiting for! Used properly, it can streamline processes, generate templates and get your first draft ready.

How AI Transforms SEO:

  1. Smart Content Creation: AI analyzes user behavior to create content that resonates, boosting engagement and SEO ranking.
  2. Predictive Analytics: Anticipate trends and adapt strategies for optimal search engine performance.
  3. Personalized User Experience: AI tailors search results based on user preferences, enhancing user satisfaction.
  4. Voice Search Optimization: Leverage AI to optimize for voice search, a rising trend in SEO.

The Future is Now! Embrace AI for SEO Success:

  • Stay ahead of the curve with AI-powered SEO strategies.
  • Boost rankings through intelligent content creation.
  • Optimize for voice search to cater to evolving user behaviors.

But don’t make these mistakes:

  1. Post raw, unedited AI: your users will likely notice and Google recently updated their algorithm to delist sites that are just using AI. It is great for first drafts, not final.
  2. Check the facts: if any data or quotes come up in the AI generated content, you need to check it
  3. Keep your data private: providing excellent prompts to AI leads to better content but don’t make the mistake of sharing your proprietary data – once it is out there, it is out there.

Ready to Elevate Your SEO Game?

Our solutions, using AI where appropriate, are tailored to keep your brand at the forefront of search engine excellence. Let’s redefine your digital presence together! #AIForSEO #DigitalTransformation #SEOInnovation


Unlocking Success with Paid Search!

Unlock Ppc SuccessReady to take your online presence to new heights? Dive into the world of Paid Search and supercharge your visibility!

What is Paid Search?

Paid Search, also known as Pay Per Click (PPC), is a targeted advertising strategy where you bid on keywords to have your ads appear at the top of search engine results. It’s your ticket to instant visibility and reaching the right audience. This is the opposite of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which can take time to get into the top organic listings.

Why Choose Paid Search?

  1. Immediate Visibility: Instantly appear at the top of search results.
  2. Targeted Reach: Reach your ideal audience with precision targeting.
  3. Measurable ROI: Track and analyze performance in real-time.
  4. Budget Control: Set your budget and only pay when someone clicks.

Key Benefits:

  • Drive Traffic – you get more traffic from folks looking for you / your services.
  • Boost Conversions – with qualified traffic coming your way, you can increase conversions
  • Increase Brand Awareness – in a world / market filled with competion, you can stand out
  • Outshine Competitors – search for your keywords – don’t see your competition? This is your chance

Ready to Launch Your Campaign?

Our experts are here to guide you through the exciting world of Paid Search. Maximize your ROI, increase conversions, and leave your competitors in the digital dust!

Contact us to Get Started! Let’s elevate your online presence together.  #PaidSearch #DigitalMarketing #PPCChampions


Celebrating Innovation: EduCyber Launches WSArchitect.com and MobileWrenchFleet.com

We are thrilled to announce the launch of two cutting-edge sites that set a high standard for design: WSArchitect.com and MobileWrenchFleet.com.

WSArchitect.com: Moving from a dated website to a contemporary site that shows the breadth of their work from small projects to large, from feasibility studies and planning to interior architecture and building architecture.

The prior home page had a navigation menu, a logo and sliding banner that didn’t link to anywhere.

Before View
Before View

The new home page at wsarchitect.com has a new logo that actually builds before your eyes, a full page slider of their work and each slide links deeper into the site and has a call to action and then below that showcases more about their philosophy of building relationships, their projects, their team, and shows how they are engaged in the business community.

This Is The Newly Designed Site
This is the newly designed site

We are so pleased to have been able to work with – and continue to work with – the wonderful team at Wong Strauch  Architects. If you are in need of an architectural firm, give them a shout.

Following close on the heels of the launch of that site in late 2023, was the launch of mobilewrenchfleet.com. Working closely with Mobile Wrench Fleet, we were able to modernize and streamline their site, giving it some very engaging movement, writing a lot of new content and making the site much friendlier for search engines.Screenshot 2024 01 12 At 15 55 06 Mobile Wrench – Commercial Fleet Services Denver

This new site shows the range of services they offer, the locations they service and who utilizes their services. The site structure dovetails into all of their digital marketing efforts, especially the paid search campaigns that we are running for them.

Here’s a quote from the company president:
Work with them on overhauling our website and optimizing our PPC marketing. Website exceeded all expectation and was launched in a timely manner. The team worked and communicated in a seamless manner to get it done. PPC has cut in half the average cost of acquisition and enhanced follow through. EduCyber is the real deal.

If you are ready for a website upgrade, give EduCyber a call at 303-268-2245 ext. 4.


Optimizing Paid Search Campaigns

Recently we’ve had several new customers with existing paid search campaigns come to us. As we have taken over these campaigns, we’ve come across a basic mistake that other providers make: failing to weed out negative keyword phrases.

This is a pretty basic tenet that, when done diligently, helps ensure that your ads appear in front of your target audience. When you set up your campaign in Google, you enter the keyword phrases that your customers search for (when looking for you or what you offer). Letting the algorithm automatically add keywords to your campaign appears to be where the issues arise. So instead, turn that off and monitor what search terms Google shows your ad for.

Note here that keyword phrases and actual search terms are different. If your company is an HVAC company located in Denver and you set a phrase of “Air conditioning repair near me”, the algorithm mostly gets it right. But if someone searches for Air conditioning repair Gainesville, and Google can’t determine where the searcher is, your ad may show. And get clicked on. And cost you.

But if you mark that term as a negative keyword phrase, that won’t happen again. And geography is just one way the algorithm is imprecise. Going with the same concept of an HVAC company, if someone search for RV heater repair, that probably isn’t a good lead. Marking it as a negative keyword means that Google won’t show your ad to future searches for that phrase.

Need help managing your campaign or understanding how to do this? Give Brian at call at 303-268-2245 ext.4


Connecting the Dots

Recently we have been using the phrase “helping businesses connect the dots” to their digital marketing. If you haven’t heard one of us talk about it, read on.

Many small and medium-sized business owners know they need to do something with digital marketing. At a minimum, they need a website. At best they have both inbound and outbound marketing strategies and processes that are driving traffic to their website and are converting them or drawing them deeper into the sales funnel.

But where do you start? The first dot to connect is understanding how your website fits into your overall marketing effort. Do sales actually take place on the site? Is the goal to get visitors to call? Would an interactive chat help close the deal? Can a well-placed, concise form capture enough information for someone in sales to contact the visitor? All of these questions (and a whole lot more) help to connect the first two dots and without connecting them, you’ll be left with an incomplete picture.

Once you have that connection, you can proceed to build a web site that facilitates that marketing (and perhaps sales) effort. Then it is time to connect the rest of the dots. Once the web site does what you want it to, how do you get people there? Will you be doing content marketing? Do you a customer base where email marketing makes sense? Should you be running search campaigns? If so, should you be focusing on organic search or on paid search (or both)?

And of course, you’ll want to consider how and where social media marketing fits with everything. For B2C you’ll want to carefully consider Facebook and Instagram. For B2B you’ll want to consider LinkedIn. But that is just three of hundreds of options. If you have or are creating videos, you’ll want to look into YouTube or Vimeo or Rumble or any of the other video options. If you are trying to reach a market that is always in the “now” you will want to see if Twitter is a good option.

So that is an overview of what we mean by helping businesses to connect the dots. We’ve laid out just a few of the numerous things that might be a good fit for you. If you want a customized plan for your business, give us a call at 303-268-2245. Not sure who to talk to? Try Brian at extension 4.


EduCyber Launches New Website for Community Table an Arvada, Colorado Non-Profit

Arvada, Colorado, May 5, 2023 – EduCyber, a leading web development firm, is proud to announce the launch of a new website for Community Table, a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting hunger in Jefferson County. The new website, which can be found at www.cotable.org, is designed to enhance the organization’s online presence, improve user experience, and increase the community’s involvement in their mission.

The website features a modern design that is easy to navigate and provides visitors with information on how to donate, volunteer, and get involved with Community Table’s initiatives. Visitors can learn about the different programs and initiatives that Community Table has implemented to fight hunger in the community, as well as the impact of their donations and support.

“We are excited to have partnered with Community Table to build a new website that helps them further their mission of fighting hunger in the community,” said Brian DeLaet, CEO of EduCyber. “Our team is proud to have developed a website that will make it easier for people to donate, volunteer, and get involved with their important work.”

Community Table encourages everyone to visit their new website to learn more about how they can get involved and support the fight against hunger in Jefferson County Colorado. For more information, please contact info@cotable.org or 303-424-6685.

About EduCyber: EduCyber is a leading web development firm that has been providing high-quality web design and development services to businesses and non-profit organizations since 1998. The company’s team of experienced developers, designers, and marketers works closely with clients to deliver customized solutions that meet their specific needs. For more information, please visit ww.educyber.com or call 303-268-2245.


Are You Missing A Piece of the Puzzle?

When it comes to digital marketing there are a number of pieces that have to come together all at once for things to really click.

And, if you are miMissing Puzzle Piecessing just one piece of the puzzle, like whoever left this piece in our parking lot, you simply won’t be able to get the full picture.

Digital marketing is a science that is governed by data. You can track your followers, email recipients, website visitors through each step of your path to customer-dom until they either leave or convert to a customer.

Digital marketing is also an art that must be visually engaging and provide a coherent yet elegant framework for your target market to engage with you and then to become a customer.

I usually think of it as the artistic side comes first – you decide the subject, figure out the setting, sketch in the overall picture and then paint in all the parts, overwriting (over-painting?) when necessary to get just the right look.

A part of deciding the subject and figuring out the setting in digital marketing is understanding what the call to action will be, what the path to get there is, and determining what media is needed.

As you begin to “paint” the science part begins to slide in:

  • What will be tracked?
  • How will we track it?
  • Statistically, what media (website, email, social media, content, blog, etc.) best supports the goal?
  • Where does the target client go digitally? (Where do they “hang out” online?)

And then the art and science can really begin to blend together. What color(s) are your target client most likely to find engaging?

Should the buttons have sharp corners or rounded edges?

What images or videos are going to illustrate your idea / company while also drawing your users in and engaging them in meaningful ways?

And the list of questions could go on and on.

The point is, if you are missing a piece of your digital marketing puzzle, give us a call or text – 303-268-2245. If you call, go to extension 4.



You Don’t Really Want SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is such a big buzzword. At least twice a month I am approached about doing SEO for an existing or potential client. As we begin to delve into their goals though, it often turns out that what they really want is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

And it turns out that CRO isn’t much of a buzzword even though it is a critical piece of digital marketing. If you want to get more leads through your website, you first have to know if you are getting leads from your website.

If you know how many leads you are getting from your website, we can then look at the number of visitors to your site and, with simple math, calculate your conversion rate:

If you have 100 visitors to your site and get 1 lead, your conversion rate is:

1 (lead) ÷ 100 (visitors) = 0.01 then multiply by 100 for the percentage = 1%  (conversion rate)

Sound low? It is. Conversion rates vary widely but if you have a higher than 1% conversion rate, you are doing fantastic.

Now that we have a conversion rate established, we can go about the process of optimizing the conversion rate. There are many things you can test or try. Sometimes it is simply a matter of changing colors on a button or call to action (yes, that might be all it takes). Other things that you can do include:

  • Removing unnecessary steps (fewer clicks often increases conversion rates)
  • Creating better / stronger calls to action (CTAs)
  • Use design to clarify what the next step is
  • Remove unnecessary CTAs – if they make it to a form page, remove opportunities to click away
  • Don’t ask for unnecessary information – growing your email list? You don’t need a physical address.
  • Add urgency to the CTA – “Offer good through Saturday!”
  • Don’t your CTA lower on the page or even on a different page
  • Use testimonials – others “tooting your horn” will work better than you doing it yourself
  • Make sure your page loads quickly – if it is slow to load, people leave
  • If you have the staff resources to manage it, add a chatbot to your site so you can interact in real time

All of these, and a whole lot more, are ways to increase your conversion rate, increase customer satisfaction and grow your business.

If you want to see what might work on your site, give us a call or fill out this form


We are proud members of many community organizations and chambers. See Our Community Involvement.

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