10 Steps you Can Take to Leverage Technology as the Cost of Business Rises

Cost Of Business Increasing

As the cost of doing business continues to rise, competition is intensifying. How can you leverage technology to monitor what your competitors are doing so you can stay one step ahead? Monitoring competitors’ digital marketing strategies is one way to  identify opportunities for improvement and differentiation. Here’s a step-by-step approach you can take (or hire us to do it for you):

  1. Identify Competitors – this may sound easy but you’ll want to think about not only your direct competitors but also your indirect competitors.
  • Direct Competitors: Businesses that offer the same products or services.
  • Indirect Competitors: Businesses that offer similar products or services or target the same audience.
  1. Use Competitive Analysis Tools – there are lots of paid tools out there that can help you do this. Here are just a few, some of which we use:
  • SEMrush/Ahrefs: Track competitors’ SEO strategies, keyword rankings, and backlinks.
  • SpyFu: Analyze competitors’ paid advertising and organic search strategies.
  • SimilarWeb: Get insights into competitors’ website traffic and engagement metrics.
  • BuzzSumo: Monitor competitors’ content performance and social media engagement.
  1. Analyze Website and SEO – this is a key part of what we do for our SEO clients but also incorporate many other facets in this whole list:
  • Website Audit: Examine competitors’ websites for structure, user experience, and design.
  • SEO Audit: Identify the keywords competitors are targeting and their on-page SEO strategies.
  • Backlink Analysis: Check the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to competitors’ sites.
  1. Monitor Social Media – Once it was difficult to know exactly what the competition was doing. Now they broadcast it to the world. So tune in to see what they are doing / saying:
  • Social Media Profiles: Follow competitors on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Content Analysis: Observe the type of content they post, the frequency, and the engagement it receives.
  • Social Listening Tools: Use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to monitor mentions and engagement.
  1. Examine Content Marketing – Putting out content is a great way to establish your business as a leader or thought leader in your industry. Seeing how the competition is establishing their bona fides will give you insight.
  • Blog Posts and Articles: Analyze the topics, frequency, and quality of content published by competitors.
  • Email Marketing: Subscribe to competitors’ newsletters to understand their email marketing strategies.
  • Content Engagement: Use tools like BuzzSumo to see how well competitors’ content performs in terms of shares and interactions.
  1. Assess Paid Advertising
  • Google Ads Library: Use the Google Ads Transparency Report to see competitors’ ads.
  • Facebook Ad Library: Explore the Facebook Ad Library to view competitors’ active ads.
  • Ad Copy and Creative: Analyze the messaging, visuals, and call-to-actions used in competitors’ ads.
  1. Review Customer Feedback – this can be a good way to see what resonates with the customers of the competition and how you can improve or differentiate your business.
  • Online Reviews: Check reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Trustpilot.
  • Social Media Comments: Monitor comments and discussions on competitors’ social media pages.
  • Customer Testimonials: Read testimonials on competitors’ websites for insights into customer satisfaction and pain points.
  1. Set Up Alerts and Notifications – so far we’ve been giving you a lot to do but now it is time to figure out how to get information you need passively:
  • Google Alerts: Create alerts for competitors’ brand names and key products to get notified about new mentions.
  • Mention: Use Mention to track online conversations about competitors in real-time.
  1. Benchmark Performance – get a high level overview of where the competition is, compare to your metrics and learn what works best:
  • Key Metrics: Track metrics such as website traffic, social media followers, engagement rates, and keyword rankings.
  • Performance Comparison: Compare these metrics against your own to identify areas for improvement.
  1. Document Findings and Strategize – here also is where having EduCyber help will help you stay on top of everything:
  • Create Reports: Regularly compile findings into reports to track changes and trends.
  • Identify Opportunities: Use the gathered insights to identify gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation.
  • Action Plan: Develop an action plan to enhance your digital marketing strategies based on the competitive analysis.

Business is moving at a fast pace. And inflation is impacting us all. As the cost of business continues to increase, following these steps can you outwork and outperform the competition. Need help with any part of this, give us a call or schedule a review of your current situation.


Accelerate Growth with Google Ads: Your Path to Success!

Unlock Ppc SuccessAre you ready to take your business to new heights?  Consider paid search as a way to jumpstart your sales process. Here’s how a strategic Google Ad campaign can connect you with your target market:

  • Targeted Reach:
    Reach your ideal audience precisely. Google Ads allow you to target users based on demographics, interests, and online behavior, ensuring your message resonates with those most likely to convert. This is particularly useful if you have geographic targets. But does require monitoring to make sure other geographic indicators don’t leak in.
  • Cost-Effective Advertising:
    Google Ads operate on a pay-per-click model, meaning you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This ensures you get maximum value for your budget, with the flexibility to set your own spending limits. It takes constant monitoring to get your specific goals met – Google will often make recommendations that may increase your budget beyond your willingness to spend.
  • Real-Time Performance Insights:
    Gain valuable insights into your campaign’s performance. Track clicks, impressions, and conversions in real-time, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategy on the fly. This is one of the powerful benefits of a paid search campaign as you can make changes and tweak ads, keyword phrases, landing pages and more to get the best bang for your buck.
  • Boost Conversions:
    Drive action with compelling ad copy and strategic calls-to-action. Whether it’s website visits, form submissions, phone calls, newsletter signups or product purchases, Google Ads are designed to convert interested prospects into valuable customers.
  • Global Visibility:
    Expand your reach beyond borders. Google Ads provide a platform for global exposure, allowing you to connect with audiences worldwide and tap into new markets. For those organizations NOT limited geographically, Google Ads can be the way to connect with your target clients no matter where they are.

Why Google Ads Matter:

  • Immediate Results: Start seeing results and driving traffic shortly after launching your campaign.
  • Customizable Campaigns: Tailor your ads based on goals, audience, and budget.
  • Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of competitors by securing prime ad positions on Google’s search platform and, if appropriate, in their display and expanded network platforms.

Ready to Ignite Your Growth?

We are here to craft and execute a Google Ads campaign that aligns with your business objectives. Let’s propel your brand to new heights and achieve unprecedented success together!  #GoogleAdsSuccess #DigitalMarketing #BusinessGrowth


Staying Ahead in 2024: 5 SEO Trends To Pay Attention To

Mobile Seo
SEO Trends for 2024

As we navigate the digital landscape, staying ahead in SEO is paramount.  Here are five trends reshaping the SEO landscape for 2024:

  1. Voice Search Optimization: Voice-activated searches are on the rise. Tailor your content to conversational queries for a seamless user experience. I personally do most of my searches via voice these days. One of the things that means is that you can use longer phrases – it’s much easier and faster to speak than to type. Think through how you would search for your services in sentences and phrases instead of key words.
  2. Core Web Vitals Dominance: Google loves speed! Basically this refers to how long it takes for the page to load. But there is a lot more technical calculations behind it. Prioritize Core Web Vitals for improved user satisfaction and better search rankings. Check your site’s page load timing – our favorite resource is gtmetrix.com for that. One of the key factors in this is Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). A way to conceptualize this is “How long does it take from the time a visitor goes to your site before they can begin to interact with it?” Interact could be scrolling, clicking, or just viewing the content.
  3. AI-Driven Strategies: Leverage Artificial Intelligence for smarter content creation, personalized user experiences, and predictive analytics. The use of AI can speed up your processes, especially for content creation. And the more content rich your site is, the more search engines love it. Just remember to edit / make any generated content your own.
  4. Mobile-First Indexing: With the majority of users on mobile, ensure your website is mobile-friendly for optimal indexing and user engagement. Sure it needs to load fast but also make sure it loads right and that the content you most want users (and search engines) to see is at or near the top of the page.
  5. Collaborative Content: Partner with influencers and industry leaders for collaborative content creation, boosting credibility and expanding reach. Since the beginning of advertising, influencers have played a prominent role in marketing, and that is what SEO is. That’s why actors, musicians, athletes and others are asked to endorse products. But even in the B2B realm you can leverage partnerships and connections to industry leaders to get a boost for your site.

Why Embrace These Trends?

  • Stay Competitive: Stay ahead of competitors with forward-thinking SEO strategies.
  • Enhance User Experience: Prioritize user satisfaction with faster, more accessible websites.
  • Future-Proof Your Brand: Embrace evolving technologies to future-proof your digital presence.

Ready to Elevate Your SEO Game?

EduCyber is here to guide you through these trends, ensuring your brand remains at the forefront of SEO excellence. Let’s shape the future of your digital presence together!

Call or contact us today.

#SEO2024 #DigitalMarketing #SEOInnovation


Celebrating Innovation: EduCyber Launches WSArchitect.com and MobileWrenchFleet.com

We are thrilled to announce the launch of two cutting-edge sites that set a high standard for design: WSArchitect.com and MobileWrenchFleet.com.

WSArchitect.com: Moving from a dated website to a contemporary site that shows the breadth of their work from small projects to large, from feasibility studies and planning to interior architecture and building architecture.

The prior home page had a navigation menu, a logo and sliding banner that didn’t link to anywhere.

Before View
Before View

The new home page at wsarchitect.com has a new logo that actually builds before your eyes, a full page slider of their work and each slide links deeper into the site and has a call to action and then below that showcases more about their philosophy of building relationships, their projects, their team, and shows how they are engaged in the business community.

This Is The Newly Designed Site
This is the newly designed site

We are so pleased to have been able to work with – and continue to work with – the wonderful team at Wong Strauch  Architects. If you are in need of an architectural firm, give them a shout.

Following close on the heels of the launch of that site in late 2023, was the launch of mobilewrenchfleet.com. Working closely with Mobile Wrench Fleet, we were able to modernize and streamline their site, giving it some very engaging movement, writing a lot of new content and making the site much friendlier for search engines.Screenshot 2024 01 12 At 15 55 06 Mobile Wrench – Commercial Fleet Services Denver

This new site shows the range of services they offer, the locations they service and who utilizes their services. The site structure dovetails into all of their digital marketing efforts, especially the paid search campaigns that we are running for them.

Here’s a quote from the company president:
Work with them on overhauling our website and optimizing our PPC marketing. Website exceeded all expectation and was launched in a timely manner. The team worked and communicated in a seamless manner to get it done. PPC has cut in half the average cost of acquisition and enhanced follow through. EduCyber is the real deal.

If you are ready for a website upgrade, give EduCyber a call at 303-268-2245 ext. 4.


Finishing Strong

Sometime in the first or second week of November, many business people slowly begin to checkout. It’s time for Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then New Years. It’s not time to close new deals or even to push to the finish on existing deals or projects.

But that is really just an excellent way to waste 1/10th of the year.

If it seems like your prospects or projects are beginning to taper off, here are five ways you can bolster your year and finish strong

  1. Review your website. Things change over the course of a year. Are the offerings / services / products displayed all still accurate? Anything new to add? What about personnel?
  2. Review your calls to action. Whether it is for your website or your social media presence or your online ads, are the calls to action generating action? If not, determine if you need more activity or better calls to action (or both).
  3. Check your traffic. If you have an established conversion rate (XX number of visitors generates X number of leads), is your traffic volume headed in the right direction? If you don’t know or don’t have a conversion rate, then you probably need to revisit #2 above. You should be able to measure visitors on your website, interactions on social media and how your brand and keyword phrases perform in search.
  4. Refresh your digital marketing goals. Social media, for example, can be a powerful tool for connecting with prospects but you need to have a clear plan. And remember, social media marketing is not a popularity contest. It isn’t the number of fans or followers but the quality of the connections and the way you interact.
  5. Hire a digital marketing firm to help you out. Sounds like a self-serving step but pause and consider. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing in your business? If managing your website and your digital marketing is not high on the list, then why not turn to the pros who do enjoy it and are good at it?

Whether you are struggling to hold the line, growing like crazy or somewhere in-between, staying engaged all the way to the end of the year will yield benefits both for 2021 and to launch 2022 off to a strong start.


The Changing Face of SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) continues to mature as a discipline and as it does, the things that one must do continue to change. Some of the work of SEO is quite straightforward and in fact the single most important thing you can do to boost your rankings is to have quality content about what you do.

No search engine will send visitors your way if you don’t explicitly tell them what you do using the keyword phrases that people would naturally use in the search bar to look for a company doing what you do or selling what you sell.

But it used to be all about getting a page to rank. Earlier this year, Google rolled out “passage ranking” which is where Google tries to provide the one passage on a web page that answers the question the searcher has. I guess one example of that would be if you searched for “to be or not to be” you wouldn’t want the result to be the script of Hamlet. You want to get straight to Act 3, Scene 1 where Hamlet opens with “To be, or not to be, that is the question . . . “. And those are the passages that Google seeks to show you for specific searches.

Google’s ability to index pages and understand the content well enough to know that, buried deep in the page is a specific answer to someone’s search is powerful (and a tad scary). But what it really points back to is the importance of having quality content.

Another key to both SEO and user engagement is using a mix of content types. Text, yes, we’ve already addressed that. But having images, videos and perhaps infographics to help illuminate your content will help both getting traffic through the search engine AND in engaging the visitor once they get to your page.  


Little Data

In the Internet world, Big Data is a big buzz word. With the right tools huge volumes of data can be digested, analyzed, and summarized with amazing speed. Technology like this is what is driving technical inroads in an array of industries from understanding the human genome to making digital currency like Bitcoin to understanding shopping patterns of given demographic segments.

But what about Little Data? Your little website. It may not be asLittle Data big as Facebook or have as many visitors as Amazon or Walmart but there is still an incredible amount of data that is available from your slice of the Internet. So how can you turn little data into a big benefit?

  • Email tracking
    Every mass emailer (aWeber, iContact, MailChimp, Robly , etc) has a variety of tools that can help you track the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Some of the key metrics you should look for include Total Opens, Unique Opens, Unique Clicks, Click to Open Rate, and Device type (responsive)
  • Social Media tracking
    You can track just about everything with social media. Some of the key things that will be of value to you though include: how many visitors to your website you got from social media, how many friends, followers or fans you have on your profile or your company profile, how many shares or views your posts or articles got and so much more
  • Site analytics (Google Analytics or some other analytics package)
    What started off as a way to track the number of visitors has now become a very sophisticated way to track any number of activities both on your website and prior to arriving – and even after leaving for that matter. You can learn what your visitors do, what devices they use, how fast your site is, create funnels and track actions
  • Call Tracking
    There are a variety of services that you can set up that will help you to track where your calls are coming from – from a specific landing page for a specific campaign, from a social media campaign or even from a print campaign
  • Campaign tracking (with specific landing pages or domains)
    You can create custom urls or even custom domains to run and track specific campaigns. Running an end of the year campaign to boost sales? You could have a special url (sometimes called a purl for personalized url) like http:// <your-domain>/christmas and track all the clicks to that link.

So even with Little Data (the data that you have available to you on your little slice of the internet) you can harness the power of Big Data and get a much clearer picture of what is actually happening. You can then design a specific plan to get that traffic to take the action(s) that you want them to – whether it be make a purchase, fill out a form, make a phone call, sign up for a seminar or some other factor that is part of your conversion process.

Need help figuring out how to do this for your site? Call us at 303-268-2245 ext 4.



Is Page Speed Important?

Not long ago I wrote an article on Page Speed. Since then, page speed has continued to climb in importance.  How Google’s algorithm for ranking pages works is the secret sauce that makes them who they are. But we do know that pages that load fast are moving up in importance in the algorithm.

Page SpeedSo what can be done?

There are a few things you can do that can have a dramatic impact on your web page loading time.

  • Optimize your images. Nearly every site we test has images that can be better optimized for display on the web. Remember, more and more people are using mobile devices as their sole connection to the internet. So having big images will slow them down and often not display as well as images that are optimized for mobile.
  • Tell your site to use browser caching. While there are different ways of doing this from the technical – like manually editing your .htaccess file – to much simpler – like installing  a caching plugin, this one change can score you points with page speed and ultimately provide a better user experience.
  • Make sure you are displaying the proper size of images. Together with point # 1, you can become the ace of images by making sure that you are displaying an image at 300 pixels wide by 400 pixels tall, that your image is 300 pixels X 400 pixels. If you’re loading an image that is 600 X 800 and then displaying it at 300 X 400, you can get a 50% reduction by resizing that image. This is pretty easy to do. I sometimes do this in Windows using the Paint program and it can be done in seconds, not minutes.
  • Deliver your files with compression. Windows users will be familiar with zipped files. That is pretty much the same concept here. Telling your web server to deliver files using gzip usually improves your page speed a bit.

Why do you want to have a fast site? There are two main reasons. First comes the user experience. If people visiting your site are met with spinning icons as your page slowly loads, they’ll likely feel like they’re spinning their wheels and go elsewhere.  Second is search engines. Having a fast-loading web page is one of the “search signals”. A search signal is a factor that Google or other search engine uses to determine how to rank a page for different key words.  While it is but one of many signals, since it also fits with a better user experience, we HIGHLY recommend optimizing your site for speed using one of the tools in the previous article


What is a Near Me Search and Why Should I Care?

You have all seen it. It is an integral part of search these days. You are out and about. You decide to look for a good place for lunch. Searching for “restaurants” works but if you want to be clear with your search, you can say “restaurants near me” and up comes the list. This is “near me” search and you need this for your listing.

While this makes a lot of sense for local sensitive places like restaurants, coffee shops or (my favorite) brew pubs, it is important for businesses all across the spectrum.

A mantra we often hear in business is “Shop Local” because by supporting local businesses we support local jobs. I know several people who will not go for coffee at Starbucks and will not have lunch at whatever the convenient big chain is. Instead they go out of their way to find the local coffee shop and independently owned restaurant to do business at.

Google Maps LogoIn the same way people go out of their way to select the independent hair stylist, the local plumber, the local cpa and yes a local (or at least domestic) web design firm.

Still not convinced it matters to you? Let’s dig in a bit deeper. From 2014 to 2015 the traffic from “near me” searches doubled. At the same time, Google’s organic listings are LESS likely to have the magic 10 on the first page or results, opting instead for, on average, 8.5 listings. So being ranked 9 or 10 in the “organic” listings can bump you from the first page but being near where someone searches for you can pull your site or business up.

How do you optimize your local business listing for near me searches? Here is a high level overview of what you need to do:

  • Claim your business if you haven’t already: www.google.com/business for Google or www.bingplaces.com for Bing (we recommend avoiding the Yext and YP type services that will do this for you – you’ll pay a lot for an ongoing service that usually just needs done once)
  • Make sure your address is IDENTICAL everywhere – on Google and Bing, on your web site, on any other sites or groups that might list you. This leaves no room for ambiguity as to whether it is the same business or same address. No ambiguity is a very good thing when it comes to search.
  • Complete the business profile as much as you can. Put in your hours. Put in all of the information that is asked for, including photos. Make the images be real photos of you and your office and your team.
  • Encourage happy customers to give reviews for you. If you Google your business, you should see it on the right. From there your customer can click on Write a Review and tell the world how happy they are with you.

Running the Wrong Race

This last week I had an email conversation that went something like this:

Potential Customer: I’m interested in what you do – how much does it cost?
Me: Well, we build websites to meet our customers’ needs and business goals. What are yours?
PC: I already have a web site, how could you help me grow and become more visible?

And that was when I knew this guy was running the wrong race.  If you have a VW and you think you’re going to race it in NASCAR. . .  well you only win that race in Disney movies.  We still had a good conversation and he is considering his options but that conversation surfaces the biggest issue we see in the digital marketing arena today.

If you have built your website to display your wares like the ancient markets where, on market day people would walk by and some would stop and buy from you and you want a powerful, inbound campaign that brings people to you, you need to start with your web presence in general and your website specifically.

How do you gain a new customer now? What is the decision point when you know “I just got a new customer!” If that isn’t built into your website, how will it help you grow? Take some time to ponder this. It really is the crux of the matter and key to winning the race.

Understanding the key decision point(s) your customers face and then putting that into your site shows your customers you understand their pain. Why does every mortgage lender have a mortgage calculator on their site? That is the issue or pain their customers face – “How much will I be paying?” While that is important, everyone (all mortgage lenders) do that. So what is the decision point that comes up when your customers choose you? That is the issue to build into your website.

Once you have your site optimized to help you attract and capture new leads or more business, then you’re ready to run the race – whether it be Search Engine Optimization, Paid Advertising, Social Media Marketing, email marketing or some combination thereof.

Whatever you decide, if you think we might be able to help you, give us a call today at 303-268-2245 and ask for Brian.


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