Small Business and Email Privacy

Most small business owners go to great lengths to protect their client communications from outsiders while also making sure those communications are kept so that they have something to refer back to. What would happen though if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) shared those records? You’d go crazy, right? Well what would you say if […]

3 Technologies for Small Businesses

Technologies that every Small Business Should Know About: 1.       Blogs. Having a blog or using other blogs correctly can help you increase targeted traffic to your web site. Writing your own blog can help create the kind of community that every web site owner covets. 2.       Pay Per Click. Just about every business can benefit […]

Are You an Expert?

Everyone is an expert at something. You might be the expert on shoes. You know all about fixing shoes, trends in shoes, how to protect shoes in different climates or seasons, etc. If you’re in the shoe business, then you should be sharing your expertise. Perhaps you are the ultimate hair care specialist. You know […]

Online Marketing

We’ve been getting a lot of calls lately about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and CPC (Cost Per Click) campaigns. Just today I had a gentleman ask about our rates for a CPC campaign. After I told him he said “I see that you also provide training, how much would it cost to train me to […]

5 Tips for Businesses this holiday season

Employees will likely want to shop online – let them know it’s OK (if it is) to use work computers as long they use them outside of their normal work hours. Spam has an incredibly huge upsurge at this time. Just be aware of this as there is little that your email provider can do. […]

Plan for Success

Web sites don’t grow on trees. But they are organic. You are putting real money into your web site and you should expect real results. What kind of results you can expect depends to a large degree on why you created your site. Do you have an e-commerce web site? That is a great start […]