Designing with a Focus
Do you feel like you’re trying to do everything to keep all your customers happy? I have definitely seen that before. In the early days of the Internet there was a web site called Yahoo. Its purpose was to help you find stuff. But it tried to do a little bit of everything in order […]
Do You Need a Web Site, a Marketing Plan, or Both?
It is not unusual for a company to come to us asking for a website when in fact what they really need is a marketing plan that includes revamping or completely redoing their website. If you are not sure if you need a marketing plan first or a website first, here are a few questions […]
Strategies for High Converting Websites
So what does it take to “take your site to the next level”? Whether you have a new web site or are looking to get a new site, there are several things you can do that high converting websites do. What are highly converting websites? Ones that get people to take action – fill the […]
Page Speed: How Fast is Your Site?
Does your site load on people’s computers quickly? If it doesn’t, does it matter? The answers to those two questions are “It better be fast” and “It absolutely matters”. There are two main reasons: User Interface. If users are waiting and watching the spinning circle or other indicators that the page is loading but it […]
Running the Wrong Race
This last week I had an email conversation that went something like this: Potential Customer: I’m interested in what you do – how much does it cost? Me: Well, we build websites to meet our customers’ needs and business goals. What are yours? PC: I already have a web site, how could you help me […]
Becoming a Customer (Part 1)
Have you ever thought about how you interact with web sites? When we speak with potential clients, they rarely have stopped to think about how they want visitors to interact with their site. But what does it mean to become a customer? That, ultimately is what every business owner wants from their website. Social media […]
What is Your Focus?
“Brian, I just learned that a competitor is getting 60% of their business through their website. How come my site isn’t?” This question and many with a very similar tack gets asked a lot in my business. That along with customers new or existing asking about all the spam emails promising great results in the […]
Economics of Conversion Optimization
I spend a lot of time every day explaining Conversion Optimization because it is such an important part of what we do. The general idea is to get more of your visitors to perform a specific task – a task that will help your company grow. It may be as simple as signing up for […]
Formed for Success
A pixel? A color? Or More? For going too far we have the phrase “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. In a similar vein, bridges often have a sign announcing their load limit which conjures up interesting mental images about what testing they performed to determine those limits. But in a positive vein could […]
Testing Your Web Site
Do you like to take tests? How about give tests? For many of us testing is something we did a long time ago when we were in school. But it shouldn’t be. We should be testing things on our web sites all the time. There are two powerful reasons why: Testing your web site leads […]