
Believe it or not, it has been six months since we last connected via email. But all is well in EduCyber land. Yes, both Maki and Brian came down with the virus in the spring so a large part of April we were checked out and focused on healing. But we are back and doing […]
The Problem with Content
On the Internet, content is king. If you want to be ranked in the search engines, the best thing you can do is put original content on your website. We often have existing or potential customers get very enthusiastic about generating content for their site as we extoll the virtues of doing so. And they […]
Formed for Success
A pixel? A color? Or More? For going too far we have the phrase “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. In a similar vein, bridges often have a sign announcing their load limit which conjures up interesting mental images about what testing they performed to determine those limits. But in a positive vein could […]
Customer Service
How is your customer service? It is such an important part of every business and yet small businesses often fail to pay enough attention to it – curious since many of those same businesses will tell you that it is their customer service that sets them apart from their competitors. We’ve had cause to look […]
What Numbers are Important for your Website?
What numbers are important for you in your business? Are you even a numbers person? I used to not be a numbers person. I have two degrees in the humanities and I liked to live in the realm of ideas. But of course, ideas alone don’t make money. So over the years I’ve become more […]
Are You Throwing Money Away?
I often hear comments like “We tried Facebook and it didn’t work” or “I spent $4000 on Google AdWords and didn’t get anything”. The first question I ask is “What were your goals?” and follow up with “How were you measuring results?” The answer, all too frequently, is a blank stare. Throwing money at problems […]
Financial Advice and Social Media
One of the services we offer is Social Media Marketing Consulting. We’ve been speaking with a variety of financial advisors and insurance brokers. Most of them want to utilize social media marketing but they can’t. Like one (who probably has to remain anonymous or I’ll have to have a three paragraph disclaimer) told me just […]
Eliminate Orphans
Some of you will think this is some sort of Dickensian entreaty to eliminate “the surplus population”. But it isn’t. I’m talking about orphaned web pages. A web page gets orphaned in much the same way a human does. It’s parent dies or goes away. Let me give an anecdote to explain both how it […]
Should You Quit?
What do you need to quit? Since I finished reading Seth Godin’s “The Dip” this week, I’ve been thinking a lot about quitting. No, I’m not quitting my business – I love what I do, but I am thinking about what tactics I’m using in business that aren’t working and determining how and what to […]
Evaluating your Social Media Campaign
Question 10 of 10 Essential Questions for Your Social Media Marketing Campaign is “How do I evaluate the results?” If you planned properly this is an easy question. At the outset you should have set a measurable goal and set a time period. So now all you have to do is, when you hit the […]